Transform your team
into AI super users
The power of ChatGPT with added team sharing, prompt templating, automation, and multiple LLMs.
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Used by teams at

Build better AI prompts

Build prompt templates that let everyone produce great results quickly and reliably
  • Make prompts more adaptable by adding template variables that can be input on each prompt execution
  • Add text, date, file and other fields
  • Standardise tone of voice and formatting across your business
  • Improve AI trust and effectiveness

Work as a team

Avoid the chaos and leverage existing team prompts
  • Create separate workspaces for different teams or departments
  • Share prompts with your teammates
  • Tag prompts and templates to make them easy to find
  • Manage and control who sees what with permissions
  • Track adoption with engagement analytics
  • Manage access through central account management

Why get locked into ChatGPT?

Leverage the power and cost savings of different models
  • Choose from leading models including ChatGPT 4 Turbo, Claude 3, Llama 3, Gemini Pro, Stability AI and more
  • Mix and match models depending on your problem
  • Bind models to prompts to ensure output consistency
  • Automatically select models based on prompt content
  • Avoid vendor lock-in and single model risk
  • Reduce costs by automatically selecting cheaper models with the same results.

Integrate with your tools and data

  • Upload files as reference material
  • Connect to cloud storage for automatic updates
  • Add files to prompt templates for consistency
  • Connect to SQL databases
  • Integrate your existing services such as HubSpot, Zapier, Google Drive and more

Power up with automated workflows

Once you’ve built reliable templates for your business, start putting them together
  • Link prompts to execute complex AI-driven workflows
  • Automate recurring tasks with template scheduling
  • Trigger workflows based on external services actions
  • Schedule workflow to run
  • Have workflows pause to gather information or permission before proceeding


Cakewalk is still in private beta so pricing may change as we evolve…



  • Access to all models
  • Unlimited shared workspaces
  • Shared Prompt Library per workspace
  • Prompt templates with variable inputs
  • Get an AI assistant for your workspace (coming soon)
  • Access to all Cakewalk agents and prompt packs
  • File Upload
  • Web Search (coming soon)
  • Workflow Lite - run 10 jobs (coming soon)
  • 1 data source integration per workspace (coming soon)
  • 1 integration per workspace (coming soon)
  • Rate limiting for some advanced models
Optimise consumption of tokens with:
  • Basic token usage monitoring
  • Auto model selection

Pro (coming soon)


Everything in Lite plus:
  • Access to all models
  • Unlimited shared workspaces
  • Shared Prompt Library per workspace
  • Prompt templates with variable inputs
  • Get an AI assistant for your workspace (coming soon)
  • Access to all Cakewalk agents and prompt packs
  • File Upload
  • Web Search
  • Unlimited workflows
  • Unlimited data sources
  • Unlimited integrations
  • User analytics and reporting
  • Rate limiting on more advanced models - Additional usage can be purchased with credits
Manage costs better with:
  • Auto-model selection
  • Set different usage caps per team member
  • Create usage cap rules for different models


Contact us

Everything in Pro plus:
  • ChatGPT Enterprise models
  • SSO
  • Logging - centrally log requests and responses for QA and compliance
  • Self hosting
  • White labeling


Feb 1, 2024
Cakewalk: Empowering Your Team with ChatGPT - Unleashing the Power of AI Super Users

Discover how ChatGPT can revolutionize team collaboration and productivity in your organization.

Adrian Casey

Jan 12, 2024
Why we created Cakewalk

Cakewalk is designed to demystify AI, offering a simple, intuitive platform that enhances productivity and creativity for all users.

Martin Wells

Jan 12, 2024
Comparing ChatGPT, Claude, and LLaMa

Learn how to select the right LLM for your work.

Chris Van der Walt

Meet Cakewalk.

Transforming work with AI. Simple. Smart. For everyone.
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